We can advise on and help with specialist tasks that don’t require translation, but still require linguistic and cultural expertise. This might be about checking that a brand name creates the right associations in different territories or picking key information out of a long text.
Life is not just about translations, not even for us. Sometimes you might need advice or help with a specialist task that doesn’t exactly come under the umbrella of translation services, but which still requires input from language experts. This might be about checking that a brand name creates the right associations in different territories or picking key information out of a long text. The Exacta team is here to help. Read more below about the kinds of services we can provide. Anything you need that isn’t on the list? Email us and ask!
With our document services, we can take the approved translation to a Notary Public to obtain an apostille or to the Foreign Ministry or an embassy for legalising.
Being based in Stockholm, we can deal with the matter on your behalf – smoothly, easily and without any fuss.
The document services that we offer are listed below.
A legalisation certifies that a signature, stamp or seal on a Swedish document is genuine, and in what capacity the signatory has put their signature to it.
The legalisation is issued by the Foreign Ministry or in some cases by a Swedish embassy abroad. In a second step, the legalisation document often also has to be certified by the embassy or consulate in Sweden that represents the country in which the translation will be used.
For countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention, the document does not need to be authenticated by the country’s consulate/embassy – all that is required is an apostille from a Notary Public.
An apostille for a translation certifies who translated the document and that the translator has the necessary authorisation to perform this type of translation. In Sweden, only a Notary Public can issue an apostille.
Getting a signature notarised involves a Notary Public witnessing the translator’s signature and certifying that the translator is genuinely authorised.
A Notary Public can never certify that the translation itself is correct – they are certifying the translator’s statement to that effect.
When launching a brand internationally, it’s a good idea to first check that the brand name works in a certain language environment. Send us your suggested brand names, and we’ll check what associations the various proposals might convey in the relevant country. If you want to expand into a particular market, finding that your brand name is considered offensive or ridiculous can be costly. A quick check allows you to avoid the worst mistakes.
Clients sometimes come to us with very long texts that need to be translated quickly. Such texts take time to translate, and this can be prohibitively expensive. So why not let us help by sifting through the text and summarising the key information. Call us to explain what you need to know, and we’ll go through the text for you and pick out the key information you’re looking for – saving you both time and money!
Sometimes you don’t even need a written translation – a verbal summary of the text can be enough. Call us and we’ll put you in touch with one of our translators, who will help you to gain a sense of what the text is about in an online meeting.
Sometimes you need to find information online in markets where you don’t understand the language. You might be trying to find a supplier in Lithuania, but all the websites are written in Lithuanian. Or you may want to gather information about competitors in Estonia. Tell us what information you need, and we’ll do the rest.
“Life is not just about translations, not even for us. We can also help you with related services. Simply give us a call!”
Get in touch – I’m here to help